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Shane Butler ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Superstar Consultant


My Story

Hello everyone!  My name is Shane and I am an Independent Scentsy SuperStar Consultant.  Aside from selling these wonderful products, I am also a full-time high school English teacher and travel agent.  I enjoy traveling, teaching, and, of course, turning on my Scentsy warmers!  Check out my Scentsy story below and see how $99 can change your lives, too!

I joined Scentsy on January 10, 2013.  I was hesitant and was never interested in owning and operating my own business, especially one that focused on direct sales.

I first heard of Scentsy when I went to a friend’s party in October of 2012.  It was a fun party, and I thought the warmers and wax were pretty cool.  I liked the idea of a candle product without a flame in a warmer that I could choose to match my décor.   I decided that I would host my own party, not because I wanted to sell it, but because I was running low on what I had purchased and needed some more scents. 

At my party, I sold nearly $1,500.  I was amazed by how people reacted to the scents, warmers, and other products.  They went nuts over them, and the products really did sell themselves!  Once I was told how much commission I could have made on that party, I decided that I really should try selling it, if for no other reason than to earn commission off of my own purchases.

Fast forward to over 10 years later, and I have earned 5 all-expenses paid vacations (St. Louis, a cruise to the Caribbean, and Disneyworld to name a few) and thousands of dollars in extra income – all for selling a product that I fell in love with.  $99 changed my life – could it change yours too?  Join my team and see how Scentsy can change your life, also!

Ready to join the journey? I can help!



What's warming in my home